Sunday, March 29, 2009

Too many Good-byes all in the same day

I hate having to say goodbye to my friends. This weekend our neighbors, which by the way are the best neighbors in the world, came back to get the last of their stuff before heading back to their new home. They will be missed, but maybe one day we will be able to come visit their lake house and go pontooning with them!
This morning for Sunday school, my class went to McDonald's. The teachers paid for the whole class, but it was their way of saying bye. They told us they are switching churches, and this morning was their last day at our church. I've been in thier Sunday school class for about five years or so, and I will miss them too.
Good-byes can be good too, I mean now I get new neighbors who I've already met and they seem really nice. Plus I will start going to a different Sunday school class now and meet new people.
Well, I think thats about all I have to say right now, but I'll blog agian soon {hopefully}.